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All CollectionsCloud Service Agreement
“Other Changes to the Standard Terms” and “Changes that apply for this Order Form only”
“Other Changes to the Standard Terms” and “Changes that apply for this Order Form only”

other changes, other changes to the standard terms, changes that apply to this order form, adding entries from the language library

Jake Stein avatar
Written by Jake Stein
Updated over 5 months ago

In both the Cloud Service Agreement and the Software License Agreement, there are two similar looking fields labeled “Other Changes to the Standard Terms”. One is at the bottom of the order form, and contains a note that it is “Changes that apply for this Order Form only”. The other is at the bottom of the Key Terms and contains the note “List specific changes to the Standard Terms”

There’s an important difference between these two, and to understand it, it helps to have some background on how these agreements work.

You use a template to create agreements with many different customers. For each of the individual agreements with a particular customer, you can issue a new Order Form that references the legal terms from the original agreement to upsell or renew them. More details on that feature here. Each Order Form applies to that particular transaction only, while the Key Terms apply to every transaction.

Because of this, anything you enter in the "Other Changes to the Standard Terms" section at the bottom of the Key Terms section will apply to all the Order Forms with that customer (including upsells and renewals).

Alternatively, if you use the one at the bottom of the Order Form (the one labeled “Changes that apply for this Order Form only"), the changes won't apply to any other Order Forms with that customer, even if they include the same Key Terms.

As an example, let's say you wanted to give your customer the right to cancel the contract during the first term, but not after their first renewal. You'd put that in the order form for the first deal, which is labeled "Changes that apply for this Order Form only". If you wanted the customer to have the right to cancel any time, including in future renewal terms, you'd put it in "Other Changes to the Standard Terms” at the bottom of the Key Terms section.

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