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Common Paper Software License Agreement term: Software

Mark Frantz avatar
Written by Mark Frantz
Updated over a week ago

Software is a variable that appears in the Software License Agreement Cover Page, in the Order Form section. This section is for your agreements' key business terms.

How to fill this out

In one or two sentences, describe the product you’re selling. People generally include:

  • The name of the product, especially if it’s different from the name of your company

  • Some key features of the product


  • Picturestore is desktop image editing software that enhances photographs and creates new designs from scratch.

  • Soothsayer is a powerful database that supports high transaction volumes, large data sets, and strong transactional guarantees. This agreement includes both the OLTP and OLAP modules.

  • Camus is an event streaming platform that can be used to create high-performance data pipelines and integration disparate applications. This agreement includes the open source Camus core as well as Camus enterprise, which adds auditing, access control, and enhanced reporting.

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