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Uploaded Templates
Mark Frantz avatar
Written by Mark Frantz
Updated over a week ago

If you have an agreement that you frequently upload to Common Paper just to collect signatures from your customers, the Uploaded Templates feature will make it faster and easier to send out these documents.

Creating an Uploaded Template

Click on the Templates section the left navigation. Click on Add New Template, and choose Uploaded Template.

On the following screen, upload the file you want to use for your template. This can either be a Word doc (DOCX) or a PDF. You'll be able to place signature fields (and other fields) on the next step.

You'll need to fill out additional information as well:

  • Agreement Type - This can be one of the standard Common Paper agreement types, or alternatively you can add your own.

  • Signer - The default signer in your organization who normally signs this agreement. You can change this when you send individual agreements.

  • Signing Order - The default signing order. Again, you can override when sending individual agreements.

  • Template Name - This will be listed under the Create New Agreement button and help you identify this template.

Once you are happy with your selections, move on to the Signature Block.

Preparing the Signature Block

On this screen, you'll be able to drag and drop fields for both you and your counterparty to use when signing the agreement.

To switch between adding fields for the sender (you) or the recipient (your counterparty) to complete, use the Signer dropdown. Each field is color coded based on the signer.

There are many different types of fields you can add:

  • Signature Fields [REQUIRED] - You'll need two of these, one for the Sender and one for the Recipient. You can add more than one if need be.

  • Date Signed - This field will be automatically populated by the signing software with the date when each party has signed the document.

  • Auto-fill Fields (Name, Email Address, Company, Title) - While the name suggests these will auto-fill with customer information, they won't. However, signers will be required to fill them out when signing.

  • Standard Fields - These fields can be used to capture other information on forms such as physical addresses, etc.

Only the signature fields are required.

NOTE: Once you've placed these fields and saved the template, you won't be able to return to edit or change them later.

Once you've set your fields, click Save Template. This will take you right to the Create Agreement form where you can send out a real or test version of your agreement for signature.

Sending an Uploaded Template for Signature

There are two ways to send Uploaded Templates. From the templates page, click on the 3 dot menu next to your template and choose Create Agreement.

Alternatively, your template will also so in the Create New Agreement dropdown on the Agreements list page.

However you get to the Create New Agreement form, you'll be asked to provide much of the same information needed when sending normal agreements. Most regular agreement features are supported, such as automated reminders and signature request expirations dates. For agreement types that support collecting fees, you can even include a post-signature billing workflow.

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