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Governing Law and Chosen Courts
Governing Law and Chosen Courts

Common Paper Data Processing Agreement terms: Governing Law and Chosen Courts

Mark Frantz avatar
Written by Mark Frantz
Updated over 11 months ago

Governing Law and Chosen Courts is a variable that appears in the Data Processing Agreement Cover Page, in the Changes to the Agreement section. This section is for items the change terms of an underlying agreement.

How to fill this out

Governing Law determines which country’s laws will be used to interpret the DPA. Chosen Courts establishes where the parties to the DPA are required to file any lawsuits about the DPA terms. (There is a similar sounding term, “Governing law for SCCs” that will be handled in the Restricted Transfer section later on in this guide. The Standard Contractual Clauses (or SCCs) are a special set of terms that allow processing personal data outside of the EEA or UK. This question is just about the DPA separate from the SCCs.)

The Governing Law and Chosen Courts of the underlying agreement will apply to the DPA unless you choose a different Governing Law and Chosen Courts for the DPA.

Default: Do NOT override the agreement.

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