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DPA Covered Claim

Common Paper Data Processing Agreement terms: DPA Covered Claim

Mark Frantz avatar
Written by Mark Frantz
Updated over a year ago

DPA Covered Claim is a variable that appears in the Data Processing Agreement Cover Page, in the Changes to the Agreement section. This section is for items the change terms of an underlying agreement.

How to fill this out

A DPA Covered Claim is a kind of DPA-related loss that you, the Provider, agree to be financially responsible for if experienced by the Customer. (This kind of promise is called an indemnity.)

Your main Agreement may already include an indemnity that applies to the Agreement as a whole, including the incorporated DPA. DPA Covered Claims that you choose to include here are optional and will affect only the DPA. They will apply in addition to any indemnity already included in the Agreement.

TIP: “Security Incident” refers to most kinds of data breaches.

Default: Not included

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