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Metered Items and MagicBill (CSA v1)

Collect payment for metered items via ACH, credit card, and more right after signing, all powered by an integration with Stripe

Mark Frantz avatar
Written by Mark Frantz
Updated over 5 months ago

NOTE: This article applies to the old version of the Cloud Services Agreement (v1). For CSA v2, check out this article instead.

Some companies charge their customers using metered or usage based billing, where the monthly or annual cost is not based on a fixed number but instead based on usage from the previous month.

Common Paper can support these use cases with Automated Billing with just a few extra steps of configuration.

This article covers all you need to know to use metered billing with your customers.


In order to successfully create a subscription in Stripe using Automated Billing with metered items you’ll need to connect your Stripe account via the Integrations page if you haven’t already. Read more here.

Creating an Agreement with Metered Items

Follow the normal process to create a new CSA from a template. Be sure to check the Include Billing Workflow checkbox at the bottom of the form. You can read more about the different options available for invoicing, etc. here.

Under the Cloud Service Fees section, you'll need to check the Use a table to list fees and included items checkbox to bring up the fees table.

Click on Add metered item, which will open up a new row for metered items. Enter the name of the metered product that you created in Stripe, along with the price cost per unit.

NOTE: As part of the Automated Billing feature, Common Paper will automatically create a new Product in Stripe with the Item name from the pricing table. If multiple metered items are included, multiple products will be created.

You can add additional metered items the same way, or include fixed cost items or discounts as well. The total will reflect these items and discounts, while the metered items will not be included in the total (as they haven't occurred yet).

Once you are satisfied with your agreement, click the Preview or Send Agreement button and finish sending your agreement to your recipient.

Once your recipient signs the agreement, they will be prompted for billing information and the invoice will be created based on the Stripe settings you configured when sending the agreement, and any necessary Stripe products will be created.

NOTE: The first invoice will list the metered items, but with a quantity of 0. The next invoice will include any usage from the first billing period.

Here's an example invoice:

Agreements with Only Metered Items

A few things to note when only using metered items and automated billing:

  1. Under Include Billing Workflow, you'll still be asked for a Stripe Product. This is the product that would normally be used when there are non-metered items. If you have no non-metered items, you can set this to Create New Product and just use N/A for the product name. Alternatively you can pick a product from the dropdown.

  2. After your customer provides their billing info, an invoice will be created immediately, but it will be for $0 and already marked as paid. This is because there's no usage for the first invoice - subsequent invoices will have the cost calculated based on the usage you report.

Reporting Usage

It's important to note that while our Automated Billing will create the subscription and invoices for you in Stripe, it's your responsibility to report usage to Stripe over time to ensure that your customer is accurately charged.

Please refer to the Stripe documentation for how to report usage.

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