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Agreement drafts

Complete your agreement later, or generate Word docs and PDFs.

Lauren Hallden avatar
Written by Lauren Hallden
Updated over a week ago

Common Paper supports saving agreements as drafts. You can use drafts to start working on an agreement and finish up later, or download your draft as a Word doc or PDF.

Creating a draft

First, create a new agreement from a template. At the end of the page, under the agreement settings, you will see an option to save a draft.

The options at the end of the new agreement page: Save draft, Preview, and Send

Draft agreements are given a special status. You can filter on this status from your Agreements page.


The Agreements page, filtered by Draft status

Editing a draft

From your Agreements page, click on the name of the draft and find "edit agreement" in your "Other actions" list. The same option is also available while previewing the draft. To remove a draft, click on its name to view the agreement history page and choose "delete agreement."

Completing an agreement from draft status

If your draft agreement was signed outside of Common Paper, you can upload the signed PDF to your draft. This will mark the agreement as complete.

User roles

Standard users can only send agreement drafts they've created. Admin users can view and send all drafts.

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